


IB全球政治IA(Internal Assessment)是IB全球政治课程的内部评估,是学习IB全球政治SL和HL学生对感兴趣的政治问题进行的体验性探索,要做好IB全球政治IA,首先需要选一个好的创意/标题,很多学生会没有想法,今天考而思惟世为大家总结了几个IB全球政治IA的Ideas/Topics,供大家参考!

时间:2024-03-11 16:50:29
  • 课程顾问-小管家

    IB全球政治IA(Internal Assessment)是IB全球政治课程的内部评估,是学习IB全球政治SL和HL学生对感兴趣的政治问题进行的体验性探索,要做好IB全球政治IA,首先需要选一个好的创意/标题,很多学生会没有想法,今天考而思惟世为大家总结了几个IB全球政治IA的Ideas/Topics,供大家参考!


    IB全球政治IA Ideas

    01、The role of NGOs in safeguarding women’s rights in conflict zones非政府组织在冲突地区维护妇女权利方面的作用。

    02、The impact of cultural norms on human rights文化规范对人权的影响。

    03、The influence of national elections on foreign policy国家选举对外交政策的影响。

    04、The role of social media in shaping public opinion on political issues.社交媒体在政治问题上塑造公众舆论的作用。

    05、The impact of climate change policies on international relations.气候变化政策对国际关系的影响。

    06、The influence of the United Nations in resolving international conflicts.联合国在解决国际冲突方面的影响。

    07、The effect of political ideologies on economic development.政治意识形态对经济发展的影响。

    08、The role of women in politics and their impact on policy-making.妇女在政治中的作用及其对决策的影响。

    09、The impact of immigration policies on national security.移民政策对国家安全的影响。

    10、The influence of international trade agreements on domestic economies.国际贸易协定对国内经济的影响。

    11、The role of non-state actors in shaping global politics.非国家行为体在塑造全球政治中的作用。

    12、The impact of political corruption on democratic processes.政治腐败对民主进程的影响。

    13、The influence of cultural diplomacy in international relations.文化外交在国际关系中的影响。

    14、The role of international law in resolving territorial disputes.国际法在解决领土争端中的作用。

    15、The impact of nuclear proliferation on global security.核扩散对全球安全的影响。

    16、The influence of political propaganda on election outcomes.政治宣传对选举结果的影响。

    17、The role of political lobbying in policy-making.政治游说在政策制定中的作用。

    18、The impact of political instability on economic growth.政治不稳定对经济增长的影响。

    19、The influence of international organizations in global health issues.国际组织对全球卫生问题的影响。

    20、The role of political leadership in crisis management.政治领导在危机管理中的作用。

    IB全球政治IA Topics

    01、How does social media influence public opinion during election campaigns?在竞选期间,社交媒体是如何影响公众舆论的?

    02、What is the impact of climate change policies on international relations between developed and developing countries?气候变化政策对发达国家和发展中国家之间的国际关系有何影响?

    03、How effective is the United Nations in resolving international conflicts?联合国在解决国际冲突方面的效力如何?

    04、How do political ideologies influence economic development in emerging economies?政治意识形态如何影响新兴经济体的经济发展?

    05、What role do women play in politics and how does their participation impact policy-making?妇女在政治中扮演什么角色?她们的参与如何影响决策?

    06、How do immigration policies impact national security in countries with high rates of immigration?移民政策如何影响高移民率国家的国家安全?

    07、How do international trade agreements affect domestic economies, particularly in the context of developing countries?国际贸易协定如何影响国内经济,特别是发展中国家的国内经济?

    08、What role do non-state actors, such as multinational corporations and NGOs, play in shaping global politics?跨国公司和非政府组织等非国家行为体在塑造全球政治方面发挥了什么作用?

    09、How does political corruption impact democratic processes and public trust in government?政治腐败如何影响民主进程和公众对政府的信任?

    10、How does cultural diplomacy influence international relations, particularly in the context of East-West relations?文化外交如何影响国际关系,特别是在东西方关系的背景下?

    11、How does the enforcement of international law impact the resolution of territorial disputes?国际法的执行如何影响领土争端的解决?

    12、How does the proliferation of nuclear weapons impact global security and international relations?核武器扩散如何影响全球安全和国际关系?

    13、How does political propaganda influence election outcomes in democratic societies?政治宣传如何影响民主社会的选举结果?

    14、What role does political lobbying play in policy-making, particularly in the context of environmental policies?政治游说在政策制定,特别是在环境政策方面发挥了什么作用?

    15、How does political instability impact economic growth in developing countries?政治不稳定如何影响发展中国家的经济增长?

    16、How do international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, influence global health issues?世界卫生组织等国际组织如何影响全球卫生问题?

    17、How does political leadership influence crisis management, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic?政治领导如何影响危机管理,特别是在2019冠状病毒病大流行的背景下?

    18、How does political censorship impact freedom of speech and democracy in authoritarian regimes?政治审查如何影响威权政权的言论自由和民主?

    19、How does political education influence voter turnout and political participation?政治教育如何影响选民投票率和政治参与?

    20、How does political activism contribute to social change, particularly in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement?政治行动主义如何促进社会变革,特别是在“黑人的命也是命”运动的背景下?








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