

来源:考而思惟世 alevel生物 浏览量:1185次 时间:2022-11-23 22:39:02



  A recurring theme in biological systems is the surface area to volume ratio. All cells require nutrients and most require oxygen as well. Wastes also need to be removed.


  With a small organism this demand can be met by simple diffusion over the body surface but larger or very active organisms need a transport system with a pump to ensure that the supply meets the demand of all cells, even those deep within the body.


  In mammals, the pump is the heart. Substances are carried in a transport medium of the blood. The blood is contained within vessels, with substances being released out of, or into the blood as it flows through certain vessels called capillaries.


  Blood vessels 血管

  Blood is carried within a closed transport system that is made up of three types of vessel 血液是在一个封闭的运输系统内进行的,该系统由三种类型的血管组成:arteries 动脉、capillaries 毛细血管、veins 静脉

  Arteriescarry bloodawayfrom the heart. 动脉将血液带离心脏。

  Capillariesare the site of the exchange of materials between the blood and tissues.Veinstake blood back into the heart. 毛细血管是血液和组织之间物质交换的场所。静脉将血液带回心脏。

  Arteries 动脉


  Blood pumped out of the heart is at a very high pressure, so the structure of the arteries must be adapted to this. They can withst and high pressure by having very thick walls made up of elastic fibres and smooth muscle. These allow the wall to stretch as blood surges through them so that they don't burst or rupture.


  It also means that as the artery increases in diameter, the pressure is reduced a little. After they 'give', the elastic fibres recoil back inwards as the pressure falls. The artery decreases in diameter thus raising the pressure a little.

这也意味着,随着动脉直径的增加,压力会降低一些。弹性纤维在"给力 "后,随着压力的下降向内回缩。动脉的直径减小,从而使压力升高了一些。

  The lowering of the pressure when it is high, and the raising of it when it is lower produces some smoothing out of the flow of the blood. It should be obvious though when you feel your neck or wrist that it is by no means complete - you can still feel the pulses of the flow some distance from your heart.


  A large artery will split into smaller arterioles that then branch further into many tiny capillaries. Arterioles have walls with a similar structure to arteries but have a greater proportion of smooth muscle and less elastic tissue. They do not have to withstand as high a pressure as arteries and have the ability to contract because of the smooth muscle and regulate the flow of blood to a tissue.



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