
CAIE A-LEVEL基础数学怎么考?

来源:考而思惟世 alevel数学 浏览量:753次 时间:2022-11-30 23:53:00

  A Level数学包括基础数学(Mathematics)和进阶数学(Further Mathematics)两门课程。两者之间关系是连续性的,一般学生申请常规专业只需要选择其中一门参加考试即可。但如果你很想选数学类专业方向的学生,那么就需要两门一起选考。

CAIE A-LEVEL基础数学怎么考?

  Mathematics 9709

  基础数学可以说是一门必考科目。根据2023-2025年的syllabus, 基础数学包括三门课程纯数(P1、P2、P3) paper1-3, 概率统计(S1、S2) paper5-6, 以及力学(M1) paper4。在选择Mathematics之前,学生需要有 IGCSE Mathematics, or Cambridge International O Level 的数学基础。


  Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (75分)

  Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 (50分)

  Paper 3: Pure Mathematics 3(75分)

  Paper 4: Mechanics (50分)

  Paper 5: Probability & Statistics 1 (50分)

  Paper 6: Probability & Statistics 2 (50分)总的来说,AS Level 考生需要从中挑选两份paper来进行考试.。而A Level考生一共需要考出4份paper的成绩. 考生可以分两年考完4张paper,或者在A Level这一年一次考完4张paper。

  AS Level考生的选择组合有以下三个:

  Pure Mathematics only (Paper 1 and Paper 2)- 不能进阶到A Level阶段考试

  Pure Mathematics and Mechanics (Paper 1 and Paper 4)

  Pure Mathematics and Probability & Statistics (Paper 1 and Paper 5).A Level考生的选择组合有以下两个:

  Pure Mathematics, Mechanics and Probability & Statistics (Papers 1, 3, 4 and 5)

  Pure Mathematics and Probability & Statistics (Papers 1, 3, 5 and 6)注意:

  学生不允许选择Paper 4 + Paper 6, 因为paper 6需要有Paper 5的知识基础。

  Paper3 和Paper6不能在AS Level阶段选考。



  Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 考核:

  Quadratics, Functions,Coordinate geometry, Circular measure, Trigonometry, Series, Differentiation, Integration

  Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 考核:

  Algebra, Logarithmic and exponential functions, Trigonometry, Differentiation, Integration, Numerical solution of equations

  Paper 3: Pure Mathematics 3考核:

  Algebra, Logarithmic and exponential functions, Trigonometry, Differentiation, Integration, Numerical solution of equations, Vectors, Differential equations, Complex numbers

  Paper 4: Mechanics考核:

  Forces and equilibrium, Kinematics of motion in a straight line, Momentum, Newton’s laws of motion, Energy, work and power

  Paper 5: Probability & Statistics 1考核:

  Representation of data, Permutations and combinations, Probability, Discrete random variables, The normal distribution

  Paper 6: Probability & Statistics 2考核:

  The Poisson distribution, Linear combinations of random variables, Continuous random variables, Sampling and estimation, Hypothesis tests以上便是CAIE A-LEVEL基础数学的最新2023-2025年的改革信息,备考的同学们请务必好好看看!

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