
A-level经济学知识点分享 A*笔记复习收藏

来源:考而思惟世 alevel经济学 浏览量:977次 时间:2022-12-15 22:20:46



A-level经济学知识点分享 A*笔记复习收藏

  Economic Efficiency经济效率

  ·The fundamental economic problem is a scarcity of resources.基本的经济问题是资源的稀缺性。

  ·concerned with the optimal production and distribution or these scarce resources.经济效率涉及到这些稀缺资源的最佳生产和分配。

  There are different types of efficiency有不同类型的效率

  1. Productive efficiency生产效率

  ·Occurs when the maximum number of goods and services are produced with a given amount of inputs当用一定数量的投入生产出最大数量的商品和服务时,就会出现这种效率。

  ·Occur on the production possibility frontier-on the curve it is impossible to produce more goods without producing less services.发生在生产可能性边界上--在该曲线上,不可能在不生产较少服务的情况下生产更多的商品。

  ·Occur at the lowest point on the firms average costs curve发生在企业平均成本曲线上的最低点。

  2. Allocative efficiency分配效率

  ·When goods and services are distributed according to consumer preferences.当商品和服务按照消费者的偏好进行分配时。

  ·An economy could be productively efficient but produce goods people don’t need this would be allocative inefficient.一个经济体的生产效率可以很高,但却生产人们不需要的商品,这将是分配效率低下。

  ·occurs when the price of the good = the MC of production当商品的价格=生产成本时,就会出现这种情况。

  3. X inefficiency X无效率:

  ·When firms do not have incentives to cut costs, therefore a firms average cost may be higher than necessary.当企业没有削减成本的动机时,因此企业的平均成本可能高于必要的水平。

  4. Efficiency of scale规模效率

  ·when the firms produces on the lowest point of its Long run average cost and therefore benefits fully from economies of scale当企业在其长期平均成本的最低点上进行生产,并因此从规模经济中充分受益。

  5. Dynamic efficiency动态效率

  ·efficiency over time随着时间的推移提高效率

  ·Involves the introduction of new technology and working practises to reduce costs over time.涉及到引进新的技术和工作实践,随着时间的推移降低成本。

  ·Static Efficiency - efficiency at a particular point in time.静态效率--在某一特定时间点的效率。

  6. Social efficiency社会效率

  ·where the social cost of production (SMC) = the social benefit (SMB)其中社会生产成本(SMC)=社会效益(SMB)

  7. Technical Efficiency技术效率

  ·Optimum combination of factor inputs to produce a good: related to productive efficiency.生产商品的要素投入的最佳组合:与生产效率有关。

  8. ParetoEfficiency帕累托效率

  ·A situation where resources are distributed in the most efficient way.资源以最有效的方式分配的情况。

  ·a situation where it is not possible to make one party better off without making another party worse off.一种情况,即不可能在不使另一方的状况恶化的情况下使一方的状况得到改善。

  9. Distributive Efficiency分配效率

  ·Concerned with allocating goods and services according to who needs them most.关注根据谁最需要商品和服务来分配。

  ·requires an equitable distribution.要求公平的分配。


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