
Alevel经济学essay写作素材 Fixed Rate两面性理解方法

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  A Fixed Exchange Rate System 固定汇率制度

  This is one where the parity (exchange rate value, for example £1 = $1.50) of the currency is pegged against other currencies. If the parity comes under threat by market forces, the central bank (controlled by the government) will step in to maintain he value by buying or selling the currency and/or changing its rate of interest.


  Advantages of a Fixed Rate System 固定利率体系的优势

  1. It gives stability for firms and households - this will increase investment and trade. 它为公司和家庭提供了稳定性--这将增加投资和贸易

  2. They act as a constraint on domestic inflation – if a country has higher inflation than its trading partners, it will become uncompetitive. Firms have to control costs in order to compete. 它们对国内通货膨胀起到制约作用--如果一个国家的通货膨胀率高于其贸易伙伴,它将变得没有竞争力。企业必须控制成本,以便竞争

  Disadvantages of a Fixed Rate System 固定利率体系的缺点

  1. A government must have sufficient reserves to intervene to maintain the price of its currency. 政府必须有足够的储备来进行干预,以维持其货币的价格

  2. A country’s firms may be uncompetitive if the exchange rate is fixed at too high rate. 如果汇率被固定在过高的水平上,一个国家的企业可能会失去竞争力

  3. The government must make intervention priority. This may mean it undertakes policies which damage the domestic economy for example to keep demand for pounds up in the exchange rate market the government might increase interest rates. The problem is that this leads to less demand within the economy. 政府必须优先进行干预。这可能意味着它采取了损害国内经济的政策,例如,为了保持汇率市场上对英镑的需求,政府可能会提高利率。问题是,这将导致经济中的需求减少

  Managed Exchange Rates 有管理的汇率

  In reality there is no currency in the world that is allowed to be completely freely floating. Even where governments try to be as non-interventionist as possible, there will come times when the currency is subject to extreme fluctuations and the government, or central bank, will feel that they must intervene. In the same frequent changes in an exchange rate, if completely free floating, may cause uncertainty for businesses, which is not good for trade, and so governments will be forced to intervene in order to stabilize the exchange rate. Because of the above factors, most exchange rate regimes in the world are managed exchange rates. These are exchange rates where the currency is allowed to float, but with some element of interference from the government.


  The government may choose to intervene in the foreign exchange market to influence the value of their currency. They would do this for several reasons 政府可能会选择干预外汇市场以影响其货币的价值。他们这样做有几个原因 :

  Lower the exchange rate in order to increase employment 降低汇率,以增加就业

  Raise the exchange rate in order to fight inflation 提高汇率以对抗通货膨胀

  Maintain a fixed exchange rate 维持固定汇率

  Avoid large fluctuations in a floating exchange rate 避免浮动汇率的大幅波动

  Achieve relative exchange rate stability in order to improve business confidence 实现相对汇率稳定,以提高商业信心

  Improve a current account deficit 改善经常账户赤字



  The supply of £’s is provided by those in the UK wishing to import as they need foreign currency to pay for goods. Therefore they must exchange the pounds for the foreign currency.


  (↓ r/e) → (x = Cheaper) → (m = expensive) → (X ↑/M↓ = current account surplus) → (AD = C+I+G+(X-M)) → AD shifts right

  以上就是小编为大家整理的Alevel经济学Fixed Rate两面性知识点总结,希望对大家有所帮助,考而思惟世为需要参加国际课程学习、语言测试和留学面试等等方面的同学们提供对应的辅导,祝各位学业有成金榜题名!如有更多有关Alevel辅导的需要,欢迎来联系在线客服老师,会获得更多专业的指导哦!

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