作为英国公学制度的创建者,温切斯特公学是英格兰历史上保存最完好的学校,因学术成绩常年位居世界前列,迄今为止,一直保留着与牛津大学新学院的特殊关系,牛剑的录取率高达37%。因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,笔试是必经的一项,下面,小编就为大家带来了温切斯特公学Winchester College 13+英语入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:
Section A: Prose
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
1. At what altitude did the farm lie? [1]
2. What was the most important feature of the landscape? [1]
3. What do the following words mean in the context of their appearance in the extract:
a) Sojourn [2]
b) Scintillated [2]
c) Immovable [2]
d) Advancing [2]
4. Blixen describes the trees using the simile ‘like full-rigged ships with their sails furled’. What is the effect of this? [3]
5. Find another simile that Blixen uses to describe the landscape [2]
6. Blixen describes the air as ‘chief feature of the landscape’. Why do you think she says this and what atmosphere does it create? Use evidence to support your answer. [5]
7. Using quotations from the extract and analysing Blixen’s use of language for effect, discuss how she creates a vivid picture of the African landscape. Try not to use quotations you have already used in your answer to question 6.[10]
Section B: Poetry
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
1. What do the following words mean in the context of their appearance in the poem?
a) Behold [2]
b) Breast [2]
c) Carolled [2]
d) Delusive [2]
2. Give a line of the poem in which Bowles describes his sadness [2]
3. What is Bowles referring to when he says ‘the self-same tints still seem to rest’? [3]
4. Comment on the effect of Bowles’s use of rhyme in the poem [5]
5. Using quotations from the poem and analysing the effects of language and other poetic devices, explain the significance of the River Itchen for Bowles [12]
Section C: Creative/Persuasive Writing
Answer ONE question from this section.
1. Look at the photograph below of an ancient Greek drinking cup housed in the Winchester College Treasury. Read the information in the paragraph underneath.
Using the photograph and paragraph above as a starting point, write a story, from this drinking cup’s perspective, about an experience it has had in its lifetime so far. [30]
2. You have been invited to address President Trump about climate change. Write a speech in which you persuade him that we all need to take more care of the environment. [30]
以上是关于温切斯特公学Winchester College 13+英语入学考试的相关问题,总体来讲,低龄留学已成为了一种趋势,毕竟年龄越小,进入名校的机率越大。考而思惟世是一所专注于英国低龄留学实行境内外一站式服务的机构,大家有相关的问题都可以随时在线咨询哦。
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