

来源:考而思惟世 SSAT写作 浏览量:997次 时间:2022-11-28 14:30:19




Directions:Choose the essay topic appropriate to your exam and write an essay. Sample responses begin on the next page.

25 Minutes

Topic:Some educators suggest that all elementary, middle school, and high school students should be required to wear school uniforms. What do you think?

Essay Sample:

Many people have suggested that all students be required to wear uniforms to school. Some students object to this idea because it takes away their individuality, but I think there are a number of reasons why school uniforms might be a good idea.

Over the past few years, there have been no dress guidelines and no dress codes in our schools. Some students just naturally dress neatly and appropriately, but others are truly sloppy. When people dress in sloppy clothing, they tend to be too relaxed. This leads to sloppy thinking. Pretty soon they lose respect for school and teachers and the whole learning process. School uniforms would remind these students that they are in school for a purpose. I think that if everyone were dressed in the same uniform there would be more school spirit too. Students would all feel as if they were part of something important.

Some students, especially girls, worry too much about their clothes and how they look. They bother their parents to spend too much on clothes, often more than their families can afford, and are always trying to compete. I have heard about boys fighting over "status" clothes. There have been cases of stealing fancy jackets and sneakers and even some knifings. School uniforms might cost more, but each student needs only two or three of them. This would take the pressure off poorer families. If everyone dressed alike, there would be no competition. A special benefit that educators probably haven't thought of is that of extra sleep. With no choice of what to wear, it will be much quicker to dress and get out in the morning.

I think we should try out school uniforms. I expect that discipline, paying attention, and school spirit will go up while squabbles about appearance and fights over clothing will go down. And I think that many students will be happier without the competition, and parents will be happier too.


Directions:You are already familiar with the following essay topics, what they require of you, and how they might be organized. Choose the topic appropriate to your exam and write your own essay.

25 Minutes

Topic:Every student should be required to complete 60 hours of community service during his or her high school years. Do you agree or disagree?

Essay Sample:

The school board has been debating about a proposed new graduation requirement. They are suggesting that every student be required to complete 60 hours of community service during the high school years. I think that community service is a noble concept but that it should not be compulsory.

A student who is forced to perform an activity against his or her will is unlikely to perform it well. The very fact of the coercion almost guarantees a half-hearted approach. Community service not done well is hardly service at all. Yet, someone thinks that service is being performed. Then the intended beneficiaries suffer from the lack of service. Community service is supposed to be ennobling. Yet the student who is forced to perform this service is resentful and gains no satisfaction from it.

There are more downsides to compulsory community service. Students must learn to arrange their own priorities and to manage their own time. Some poor students can not afford to give up so much study time, yet they are not permitted to devote the study time they would like because of the required community service. Other students must hold part-time paid jobs to help out their families or to have any spending money for themselves. Community service to the extent proposed would be a hardship for them. Still other students are so deeply into extracurriculars—sports, music, drama, or religious studies—that compulsory community service would cut into study time or sleep time.

Community service is certainly a worthwhile goal, and all students should be encouraged to engage in some service that suits their interests, abilities, and time schedule. However, I don’t think that compulsory community service is a good idea. School administrators and teachers should instead help students devise creative forms of community service that the students will want to fit into their busy lives.

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