
香港教育大学面试题汇总 社科类型被频繁提起!

来源:考而思惟世 香港大学面试辅导 浏览量:1070次 时间:2022-12-09 20:08:56


  Master of Aris in Edueation for Sustainability

  1. How do you understand sustainable development?

  2. What projects in sustainable development do you think are important?

  3. How do you view educational sustainability?

  4. What types of books do you like to read?

  5. Do you have any questions?

  Master of Aris in Teaching English to speakers of Other languages

  1. Motivation to choose this programme.

  2. Are there any courses in TESOL that you particularly like?

  3. Which of the several skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English learning do you think is the most difficult.

  4. Career plan

  Master of Teaching

  1. Do you have any teaching experience?

  2. What are some of your common teaching methods?

  3. Do you want to do a PhD in the future?

  4. What do you think a good teacher is?

  5. Do you have any feelings when you are teaching?

  6. What is your current job?

  7. Have you encountered any challenges in teaching?

  8. If you are accepted, what about your current job?

  9. Do you have any questions?

  10. What do you know about this program?

  Master of Education Master of Arts in Child andFamily Education

  1. What do you think are the factors that influence education?

  2. What can you bring to the course?

  3. Why do you want to study this program?

  4. What are your future career plans?

  5. What is the first condition to be a good parent?


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