

来源:考而思惟世 ib经济学ia 浏览量:1141次 时间:2022-06-27 18:55:31



  Microeconomics (30)

  Taxes (8)

  Vaping Tax | Tech Tax | Sin Tax | Tobacco Tax | Red Meat Tax | Fish Tax | Fashion Tax | Aviation Fuel Tax

  Subsidies (6)

  Pre-School Subsidy | Soybean Subsidy | Electric Car Subsidy (#1) | Electric Car Subsidy (#2) | Climate Subsidy | Mining Subsidy

  Price Floors (5)

  Alcohol Price Floor (#1) | Alcohol Price Floor (#2) | Wage Price Floor | Cabbage Price Floor | Milk Price Floor

  Price Ceilings (8)

  Energy Price Ceiling | Electricity Price Ceiling | Rent Price Ceiling (#1) | Rent Price Ceiling (#2) | Rent Price Ceiling (#3) | Petrol Price Ceiling | Maize Price Ceiling | Chicken Price Ceiling

  Other (3)

  Plastic Bottle Deposit | Cigarette Ban | E-Cigarette Ban

  Macroeconomics (30)

  Monetary Policy (9)

  US Holding Interest Rates | UK Holding Interest Rates | Turkey Cuts Interest Rates | Turkey Fighting Inflation | UK Interest Rate Rise | Sweden Interest Rate Rise | Greece Interest Rate Cut | Switzerland Holding Interest Rates | Argentina’s Currency Controls

  Fiscal Policy (14)

  Denmark Income Tax Cut | UK Raising Government Spending | Australia Raising Government Spending |Italy Increased Government Spending | Sweden Increased Government Spending | Singapore Expansionary Policy | Ghana Expansionary Policy | UK Tax Cut | US Tax Cut | Greece Tax Cut | Argentina Tax Cut | France Tax Cut | Progressive Fines | Japan Expansionary Policy

  Supply-side policies (7)

  UK Increase Spending On Schools | US Decreased Spending On Schools | Germany Increased Unemployment Benefits | India Increased Infrastructure Spending | UK Increased Infrastructure Spending | Russia Increased Infrastructure Spending | China Increased Infrastructure Spending

  International (30)

  Trade Wars (5)

  China US Trade War (#1) | China US Trade War (#2) | China US Trade War (#3) | China US Trade War (#4) | China US Trade War (#5)

  Tariffs (5)

  India & US | UK Post-Brexit | China & Sugar | US & Apple | Japan & US

  Quotas (4)

  Brazil and Ethanol | South West Fish | EU & Steel | EU & Farming

  Subsidies (3)

  China & Tech | US & EU | Azerbaijan Subsidies

  Exchange Rates (6)

  Argentina & The Peso | US On Yuan ‘Manipulation’ | Pound Volatility | Zimbabwe & Foreign Currencies | Mexico & Exchange Rate Cut | China’s Low Exchange Rate

  Balance of Payments (3)

  Japan’s Current Account | Indonesia’s Falling BoP | Australia Current Account Surplus

  Economic Integration (3)

  EU-Singapore | Africa | ASEAN

  Terms of Trade

  NZ & Meat

  Development (10)

  Trade (4)

  Nigeria & Oil | Africa Aid For Trade | Angola & Diversification | UK & Commonwealth |

  Aid (2)

  The UK & Aid | Brazil & Aid

  FDI (2)

  China & FDI | The Philippines & FDI

  Other (2)

  Sao Tomé & Debt | China & Dhaka

  以上就是有关IB经济学IA选题的推荐,对于经济科的IA,要拿到理想的分数,选材很重要,另外还要了解评分准则,写好占分最重的评估部分,最后希望大家都能拿到理想的分数,如果有需要IB IA辅导的同学,也可以联系我们的在线老师哦~

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