

来源:考而思惟世 IB心理学EE 浏览量:2008次 时间:2022-09-05 11:44:32



  1. What do you think is the most common reason for eating disorder or apathy towards food in teenage children?

  2. What are the main reasons for depression? Write an essay about it.

  3. What are your thoughts about borderline personality disorder and how can it be treated?

  4. Schizophrenia is quiet a disease to be nurtured about. How do you explain it?

  5. Antisocial personality disorder arises within a youth at attender age, how to succumb over it?

  6. What are your thoughts about seasonal affective disorder?

  7. Dreams are the most talked about substance in the world. What are your views about it?

  8. False memories are quite haunting to many and this can lead to tough problems. How to treat it?

  9. Attention seeking disorder should be treated well from a tender gae with lot of care. What are your views about it?

  10. Bullying is quiet an issue in high school. How to fight against it?

  11. What are your thoughts about language acquisition?

  12. What is the effect of mass media and its violence on the children?

  13. What are the effects of violent video games on children?

  14. Gender roles or gender biasness has always been the problem of our humanity. How to get read of it?

  15. Child abuse and child work are the rising problems in the world. How to change it?

  16. What are your thoughts about prenatal development and how to handle it?

  17. Parenting style reflects a lot on the behaviour of the children. What are your thoughts about it?

  18. Aging is one of the most accepted truths of humanity. How do you define this phenomenon psychologically?

  19. The divorce between parents leads to a lot of effect on the mind of the children. How should it be stopped?

  20. What are your thoughts about the growing addiction of children towards video games?

  21. Personal perception is the one main thing that everyone should have. Explain.

  22. Attitude changes a person’s perception- Explain.

  23. Social cognition should be practiced and mastered- explain in details.

  24. What are your thoughts about the psychological concept of love?

  25. Witchcraft and Satanism are truth- do you agree?

  26. A person should work more in their nonverbal communication- Explain why?

  27. Effects of religion biasness on the world.

  28. Leadership is a quality- Define this statement?

  29. What is the difference between love and infatuation?

  30. How to practice yoga and how does it affect our body?


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