

来源:考而思惟世 EPQ课程 浏览量:496次 时间:2024-03-11 13:54:56

EPQ课程(Extended Project Qualification)是扩展项目资格,可以为自己的项目选择自己的想法。对大多数学生来说,EPQ是学生们第一次深入探索自己感兴趣的领域。那么什么样的标题才算好?有什么限制吗?如何选择一个好的EPQ创意?下面带大家找出答案。






















EPQ Ideas For Biology

1. Are there any long-term psychological effects that may be had by a recipient of another person’s organ?

2. How do diseases develop mutants?

3. At what point after conception does life actually begin?

4. Nature vs nurture causes of body dysmorphia

5. To what extent do menstrual pains and other period symptoms count as legitimate medical handicaps?

6. The cause and effect of misdiagnosis/ late diagnosis of autism in women

7. How does smoking marijuana from a young age affect brain development?

8. A comparison of sex and gender dynamics between humans and other species

9. What solutions does medical biotechnology present for the COVID-19 pandemic?

10. How does obesity differ in distinct populations around the world?

EPQ Ideas For Physics

1. How early contributions by physicists belonging to a marginalised community (women, PoC, etc.) have been dismissed.

2. Design and build a functional robot with a particular purpose

3. Can physics and religion ever go hand in hand?

4. In an unimaginably colossal cosmos, is life on other planets really that unlikely?

5. An analysis of the scientific accuracy of select scenes from Interstellar (or any physics-based movie, TV show, cartoon, etc.)

6. The death of the sun and its potential effects on the solar system

7. The reasons behind the failure of supersonic travel

8. Build your own camera lens from scratch

9. Will lithium-ion batteries dominate the world in the next 30 years?

10. Is switching to clean energy feasible for developing countries?

EPQ Ideas For Chemistry

1. Drugs and big pharma pharmacies

2. A guide on how to read and understand the listed ingredients at the back of self-grooming products.

3. The extraction of limonene from citrus

4. Will humans ever stop producing plastic?

5. Is the use of chemical and mechanical pesticides ethical?

6. The safety of aspartame in food and drink

7. Can the chemistry of the atmosphere ever truly be replicated?

8. Can you use hydrogen as a fuel in cars?

9. The current limitations behind building a supercell

10. Can an understanding of chemistry help us in anti-ageing?

EPQ Ideas For Maths

1. To what extent does music borrow from mathematics?

2. A way (physical model, stimulation, etc.) to visualise dimensions beyond 3-D

3. Is maths necessary for cognitive development in young children?

4. The many real-life applications of the binomial theorem

5. How seemingly simple mathematical ideas revolutionised the world when they were first discovered/ invented?

6. The importance of arithmetic in modern-day cryptography

7. Can you make a universal equation for measuring beauty?

8. The significance of infinity in mathematics

9. Was mathematics discovered or invented?

10. The application of statistical analysis in modern healthcare

EPQ Ideas For History

1. The significance of education in British colonial expansion.

2. Pandemics throughout human history and their effects on societies in various stages of development.

3. The profound impact of the Black Death on England

4. How did the USA play a role in WWI

5. How did Victorian England deal with child poverty

6. An exploration of child labor across Europe

7. What was the economic impact of the black Monday stock market crash?

8. How have Women’s rights developed since the early 1900s?

9. How truthful can sources in ancient history truly be?

10. Explore the notion of female friendship in Victorian England

EPQ Ideas for English

1. How can the impact of Shakespeare be measured?

2. What distinguishes modern American poetry from European poetry.

3. Is the age of poetry dead? Exploring Instagram poetry

4. What makes a novel ‘great’? Can there be a next great American novel?

5. Can writers ever really be removed from their social context?

6. Female English novelists had more impact on the form than their male counterparts

7. The literary canon is closed - there is no more room for expansion.

8. To what extent is the literary canon a product of colonialism.

9. How has sexuality in the novel progressed since the 1600s.

10. Literature is a powerful tool for understanding real-world history and context

EPQ Ideas for Economics

1. Should we reform the tax system in England?

2. Corporate greed has become the downfall of the modern economic system in the USA

3. Should politicians be allowed to trade stocks and shares?

4. Why hasn’t the minimum wage been raised as economic productivity has increased?

5. Exploring how inflation relates to the stock exchange

6. Did Brexit have a positive impact on the UK economy?

7. Does illegal immigration help or hinder the economy in the USA?

8. Does the concept of social class still exist?

9. To what extent is the stock exchange controlled by whale investors

10. How has the period of 2020-2023 impacted the global demand for oil.

EPQ Ideas for Engineering

1. Biomedical engineering is now more important than ever before in the post COVID-era

2. What it the relationship between statistics and engineering

3. All industries are inherently tied to the speed of progression within engineering

4. Should software engineering count as a practice of engineering

5. How engineering and societal expansion are closely linked

6. To what extent are soft skills like communication vital for an engineer?

7. Why is there a gender imbalance within the world of engineering? How can we fix it?

8. How does the UK government incentivize a career path into engineering?

9. AI tools will one day replace engineers - to what extent do you agree?

10. Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering in which most progress has been made

EPQ Ideas for Politics

1. Should the two-party system in the USA be abolished?

2. What are the core differences between how politics in the UK and US is run?

3. Why should we ban politicians from accepting financial support from companies?

4. What political system, in theory, would be the best for the globe?

5. What’s the difference between freedom of speech and hate speech?

6. Why has the USA never elected a female president

7. Which global power is the most ideal for the world as a whole

8. How did Australia’s political response to COVID impact their economic standing

9. To what extent do people become more conservative as they grow up?

10. The youngest generations are the only ones interested in climate change - what does this mean for the political future of the UK?

EPQ Ideas for Sociolology

1. Class is, by far, the most important factor when it comes to existing within society.

2. How do societal standards shape the career paths of a country’s citizens?

3. How does diaspora impact the ability for culture to be passed down through the generations?

4. Social perceptions of women have not changed over the past 50 years

5. To what extent are we still living in a world filled with sexism, racism, and homophobia?

6. An exploration of how modern-day Britain is still a racist society

7. To what extent is there a connection between class and race?

8. What is culture, and how does it exist within communities?

9. The evolution of polyamory and its modern-day presence in society.

10. People are too different to get along; modern-day ideologies are too devise for people to agree on anything.

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

1. Explore the presence of mental health within literature

2. Are representations of mental disorders in film helping or hindering the cause?

3. Is the American treatment of ADHD too harsh for children?

4. How does a child’s environment while growing up impact the development of their brain?

5. Why do different people manage depression in distinct ways?

EPQ Ideas for Law

1. The jury system is outdated and should be removed.

2. Language and law are intertwined; to what extent is court a verbal game?

3. Does police presence do more harm than good?

4. Should insanity be considered a valid defense for committing a crime?

5. How effective is the UK legal system in punishing crimes?

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