

来源:考而思惟世 S-AEIS考试 浏览量:143次 时间:2025-02-06 16:17:45

AEIS考试是国际学生入学考试,主要针对申请新加坡的中小学生,AEIS考试分为两大科目,分别是数学和英语,英语包括听说读写四部分的测试,对于写作部分,Sec 1要求200 - 300字,Sec 2要求250 - 350字,Sec 3要求300 - 400字。



Topic: It is said that school uniform gives pupils a sense of identity and encourages good discipline. Do you agree?



"Uniforms are boring!" "Uniform is unnecessary!" " School can still do well without uniform!" Those complaints about school uniform have become a familiar refrain. Even so, fully scrutinizing the scope of the problem, we can see that the benefits of the uniform actually outweigh its minor inconvenience. To tell the truth, uniforms do more than just making students look alike. But in what ways? The following reasons will ascertain the doubts.

First of all, uniforms inculcate a sense of identity in students by developing the ambassadorship. Wearing the uniform, students are representatives of the school's image. By looking at the uniform, people will be able to know which school one is from. Hence, we somehow judge the school through one's demeanor. Furthermore, in a uniform, everyone is equal, thus, students will respect one another and regard each individual as a valued member of the school. In any occasion of inter-school competitions, uniforms distinguish students of one school from another. As a result, school unity and team spirit are preserved.

Secondly, strong discipline is also enforced on account of uniform. Owing to increasing peer pressure, students nowadays are likely to assess each other by clothes and appearances. In general, nerds, who are made fun of their look, feel embarrassed and discouraged in school, which results in decline of their academic performances. Hence, uniform helps to decrease bully and tease. Moreover, as students learn to respect each other, rules and regulations are tightened. To add on, uniforms free students from the morning hassle of rummaging their wardrobe looking for clothes, which somehow contribute to their punctuality.

On the other hand, objectors of school uniform argue that wearing a uniform kills creativity and individuality as students are not able to express themselves. As they have to wear the same outfit every weekday, they do not have to make a choice on their clothes. Thus, they have no opportunities to manifest their artistic fashion tastes and styles. However, school is not a fashion show but an education institution. Is there a need to express one's self in the school while the main purpose of education is to prepare one with knowledge and skills for future career? In addition, creativity is not killed but encouraged. Fashion is not the only way to develop it. In fact, during activities in math and science classes, their inventiveness and imagination are further facilitated. On top of that, since students stop judging other's by what they wear, they tend to be more open and make friends with different personalities. Therefore, the materialism can somehow be minimized. Students will learn to appreciate the real values, which is essential in our modern society where standard of morality seems to be dropping.

Summing up, uniforms should be implemented in schools as it imparts loyalty to the school in students as well as put them on their best behavior.


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