
Alevel商务管理学论文素材 中英对照拿走不谢!

来源:考而思惟世 alevel商务 浏览量:861次 时间:2022-10-26 16:37:41


  Different styles of management 不同的管理风格

  Management is the process of achieving the objectives of the business by using its available resources effectively.


  In a small business, the owner is likely to be the manager as well, responsible for all the managerial tasks. However, as a business grows, then some of these tasks can be delegated to others. The main functions of management are:


  Planning: setting clear objectives.

  Organising: dividing the work into smaller tasks and delegating to others.

  Staffing: having the 'right' person in the 'right' job (known as Human Resource Management).

  Directing: decision-making and giving instructions to others.

  Budgeting: preparing a detailed financial plan for the next trading year.

  Co-ordinating: Bringing the various parts of the business together.



  人员配置:让 "合适 "的人从事 "合适 "的工作(称为人力资源管理)。




  One of the most important skills of management in a large business is knowing how, when and what tasks to delegate to others. Delegation occurs when managers pass a degree of authority down the hierarchy to their subordinates.


  The managers must ensure that the subordinates are sufficiently competent to cope with the task, and that they have the necessary skills and time available to complete the delegated task.


  In general, management can be categorized as senior management (setting long-term plans and strategies, appraising middle management), middle management (establishing departmental strategies, appraising departmental staff), and supervisory management (monitoring the regular and routine day-to-day tasks).


  The relationship that exists between the management and their subordinates in a business can be represented diagrammatically in the form of an organizational chart:



  An organizational chart shows 一个组织结构图显示:

  a) The different departments within the business. In this example, there are 4 different departments (Production, Marketing, Finance and Personnel).

  a) 企业内部的不同部门。在这个例子中,有4个不同的部门(生产、营销、财务和人事)。

  b) The chain of command. In this example, a chain of command exists between person A (senior manager), person B (middle manager), person C (supervisor) and person D (shop-floor worker).

  b) 指挥系统。在这个例子中,指挥系统存在于A(高级经理)、B(中级经理)、C(主管)和D(车间工人)之间。

  c) The span of control of each manager. This refers to the number of people directly accountable to a single superior. In this example, the span of control is 4 people.

  c) 每个经理的控制范围。这指的是直接对一个上级负责的人数。在这个例子中,控制的范围是4个人。

  d) The channels of communication used.

  d) 使用的沟通渠道。

  This diagram indicates that this business has four layers in its hierarchy and that there are many 'line' and 'staff' relationships which exist.

  这张图表明,这个企业的层次结构有四层,存在许多 "直线 "和 "员工 "关系。

  A 'line' relationship exists where there is direct authority (in the diagram, an example of a 'line' relationship is between person B and person C).

  在有直接权力的情况下,存在 "线 "的关系(在图中,"线 "关系的一个例子是人B和人C之间)。

  A 'staff' relationship exists where there is no direct authority. Instead, it is a relationship in an advisory capacity (e.g. an expert who provides advice on, say, computers or staff training). In the diagram, an example of a 'staff' relationship is between person B and person D.

  职员 "关系存在于没有直接权力的地方。相反,它是一种以咨询为目的的关系(例如,在计算机或员工培训等方面提供建议的专家)。在图中,"员工 "关系的一个例子是在人B和人D之间。

  A recent trend in many large businesses has been delayering the organizational chart. This means stripping out one layers of management from the hierarchy. This is done to reduce costs and to improve the speed of communication flows within the business, as well as to provide each employee with more responsibilities.



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