
Alevel商务论文 生产模块素材 中英对照论文不愁!(上)

来源:考而思惟世 alevel商务 浏览量:1019次 时间:2022-10-27 16:59:11


  Production Decision Making生产决策

  Industrial Location 工业定位

  This is the decision that a business or an industry makes concerning its geographical placing in a country. There are many factors which influence the precise location of a business or an industry, including 这是一个企业或一个行业就其在一个国家的地理位置所做的决定。有许多因素影响企业或行业的准确位置,包括 :

  The cost and the availability of land. Land in an urban area is clearly less abundant (and therefore more expensive) than land in rural locations or on the edge of towns and cities. Therefore it would be advisable, and also more feasible, for a business which requires a large amount of land to locate away from the centre of an urban area.


Alevel商务生产模块论文素材 中英对照论文不愁!(上).jpg

  The cost and the availability of labour. The unemployment rate varies in different areas of the UK, and a business which is labour-intensive may choose to locate near to an area of high unemployment in order to take advantage of the availability of labour at a fairly low wage.


  Communication links. Many businesses choose to locate near to motorways, rail links, seaports or airports if they either have a significant amount of raw materials to receive, or a significant number of products to distribute across a wide area of the country.


  Transport costs/proximity to the market. Some businesses will locate in certain areas of the country in order to minimise their transportation costs. For example, producers of fast-moving consumer goods (f.m.c.gs) will often have to distribute their products nationwide, and therefore will try to locate as near to the market as possible so their transportation costs are not excessively high.


  Availability of raw materials. Some businesses will try to locate near to their suppliers or to the source of their raw materials. For example, businesses which require bulky raw materials, such as timber, will often try to locate near their suppliers so to reduce the lead-time between ordering and receiving the raw materials.



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