

来源:考而思惟世 alevel经济学 浏览量:993次 时间:2022-11-04 15:47:04



  The Euro——Should the UK Join the Single Currency?


  It would not be too strong a statement to say that the decision as to whether the UK should replace the pound with the euro is certainly the biggest economic, and perhaps the biggest political, decision since the Second World War. The government are committed to holding a referendum (a vote of the general public) as to whether or not to join after the May 2001 election, once Gordon Brown's five economic conditions have been met.


  Many of you will be old enough to vote and it could be one of the most important votes of your life. Even if you hate politics, as an educated individual you really ought to have an opinion as to whether the UK should or should not join the euro.The arguments are outlined below.


  The case for 案例

  Stability 稳定性

  Probably the biggest advantage of joining the euro is the fact that our exchange rate will be stable against the other eleven members forever more. Over half of UK exports and imports come from trade with the EU. The stability for these exporters will enable them to plan more easily and investment is likely to rise. It will also encourage further trade between these countries, which should lead to furthereconomies of scale.

  There would probably be more stability with interest rates too. The seventeen-member council of the ECB come from eleven different countries with varied vested interests, so consensus, and therefore a decision on interest rates, tend to be less frequent than with the UK's MPC, who only have to think of the UK. Of course, that is why the MPCs decisions tend to be better!



  Price transparency 价格透明

  Many economists think that this is one of the biggest advantages. At the moment, comparing prices between countries is difficult due to the numerous different exchange rates. If the UK was part of the euro, all prices would be expressed in one currency. Prices would be transparent. A British consumer could easily compare the price of a car here to one in euro-land. This will force firms to be more price competitive, unable to hide behind a changing exchange rate. This should result in lower prices for all consumers.

  One can be a little cynical about this advantage. Surely, anyone with a calculator and some basic arithmetic skills can already work out the prices of goods in foreign countries. We have to do it all the time when we go on holiday abroad. Also, whatever the unit of currency, how is a hairdresser in Spain going to compete with a hairdresser in the UK? Unless the product in question is a big-ticket item, like a car, where British consumers are already prepared to cross the channel in search for cheaper deals (whatever the currency), then little EU wide competition will occur.




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