

来源:考而思惟世 alevel经济学 浏览量:865次 时间:2022-11-04 15:49:46



  Transaction costs 交易成本

  This is the most obvious advantage. If we share a currency with the rest of Europe, there will be no need to pay transaction costs of changing currencies when you go on holiday. This 'convenience' factor is probably the one that impresses the non-economist the most, and will play well for those hoping that the general public vote for the euro in a referendum.

  Of course, this is a bigger advantage for businesses whose transaction costs are inevitably higher, as it includes the costs of hedging against huge currency swings. It is, though, an advantage that is worth less than 1% of EUGDP. It may be the most visual advantage for the general public, but it is not the most important economic reason for joining the euro.

  FDI is a contentious issue. Some economists believe that the UK will attract more FDI if they are part of the euro. Foreign investors want to take advantage of all the benefits above. Others argue that joining the euro will harm FDI. At the moment, foreign investors still get the benefits of the UK being part of the EU without any of the disadvantages listed below. It is a difficult one to call, although FDI into the UK has still been growing since the euro was created without the UK's presence.

  这是最明显的优势。如果我们与欧洲其他国家共享一种货币,那么当你去度假时就不需要支付更换货币的交易成本。这个 "便利 "因素可能是最能打动非经济学家的因素,对于那些希望公众在公投中投票支持欧元的人来说,这将起到很好的作用。



  Macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理

  Before the launch of the euro, Germany was traditionally the strongest economy in Europe. One of the main reasons for this was its excellent record on inflation, which many felt was down to its highly efficient independent central bank, the Bundesbank. It was hoped that the independent ECB would be equally efficient, keeping inflation low and controlling government spending around euro-land with thestability pact. The UK, with a traditionally poor record on inflation, should benefit from the ECB's efficient running of the Euro-land economies.

  As discussed above, the tables have turned with the UK's MPC attracting praise for its running of UK monetary policy and the ECB, whilst not a disaster, certainly not in the class of the old Bundesbank. Why join the euro, many ask, when things are going so well in the UK outside the euro. "Better the devil you know..." as the phrase goes!



  The case against 反对的案件

  Loss of domestic monetary policy 国内货币政策的丧失

  This disadvantage seems to ring louder by the day. As the UK's MPC gains credibility, it seems a shame to give it up and allow UK monetary policy to be subsumed within the remit of the ECB. This is a problem for many countries in Euro-land. One currency means one interest rate. Even those who are in favour of the euro would have to admit that the interest rate set by the EBC for the whole of Euro-land will not be ideal for all eleven countries.

  The classic example is Ireland, who joined the single currency at its inception with domestic interest rates at 6% (like the UK) and the economy growing well without inflation (like the UK). On entering the single currency, their interest rate had to be set at the ECB rate, which, at the time, was 3%. So Irish interest rates fell from 6% to 3% overnight. If that had happened in the UK there would have been a boom followed by inflation and then recession. Ireland is at the beginning of that cycle, with inflation rising very quickly.




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