
IB论文怎么写 系统写作方法指导➡

来源:考而思惟世 ib论文 浏览量:598次 时间:2022-11-14 02:55:52


IB论文怎么写 系统写作方法指导➡

  1. Relevance 相关性

  Not only should all material be relevant to the question/statement to be evaluated, but the way in which it is relevant should be madeclearandprecise. A good starting point is to read the question and underline thekey words. Try and include these key words in both your introduction and concluding paragraph.


  2. Structure 结构

  The essay should have alogical structure, which is clearly reflected in the paragraph structure.文章应该有一个合乎逻辑的结构,这在段落结构中得到了明确的体现。

  The opening paragraph should effectivelyset the framework for the rest of the essay. Avoid opening essays with overly general statements; focus immediately on the rest of the text.


  Points made within a particular paragraph should always berelevant to the essay questionand be related to one another.


  The relationship between material in neighbouring paragraphs should be made clear, possibly by use ofbridging statementssuch as 'Further evidence suggests...' and 'A contrasting view...'. Make sure that the reader is likely to know exactly what point is being made at any time.

相邻段落的材料之间的关系应该明确,可以使用衔接语句,如"进一步的证据表明...... "和"一个对比性的观点......"。确保读者在任何时候都能清楚地知道所要表达的是什么观点。

  The final paragraph should provide a summary of the main conclusions of the essay, and may point to areas of future research which are likely to advance understanding of the specific topic addressed in the essay.


  3. Literary Form文学形式

  Thewriting style should beclearandstraightforward, using good grammar and appropriate vocabulary.


  4. Use of Evidence 证据的使用

  A key feature of Psychology is that independent observations of behaviour (often, although not always, provided by experiments) provide the basis for building and evaluating theories.


  References to specific studies (i.e. names and dates) should be stated where possible to provide support for the argument. In a good essay, the relationship between data and theory should be made clear.


  It is important to demonstrate an understanding that more than one theory can account for the same set of data, and to understand that no theory can ever be 'proved' although it may be preferred over other accounts by particular evidence.


  5. Critical Analysis 批判性分析

  An excellent essay should evaluate data and theory, which goes beyond simple description.


  Here are some ways in which this may be done以下是一些可以做到这一点的方法:

  A brief description of a key experimental finding may be followed by an analysis of the shortcomings of the method.


  Two theories may be briefly described and then contrasted with one another. Are they basically different or not, or are they formally equal? What are their distinguishing features?


  6. References 参考文献

  Science is a social activity and knowledge is gained through two routes:

a)data obtained from practical studies and(b)theoretical ideas developed to account for patterns in the practical data. As noted in section 4, references to specific studies must be provided to support all statements that make use of other people's ideas and data.



  At the end of the essay there could also be a special reference section that collects together and identifies the sources for all the published material cited in the text, allowing the reader to access further information about the study or theoretical statement.



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