
Alevel经济知识点讲解 失业与总供需联系的联系(上)

来源:考而思惟世 alevel经济学 浏览量:796次 时间:2022-11-21 11:02:44


Alevel经济知识点讲解 失业与总供需联系的联系(上).jpg

  Unemployment and the Phillips Curve Links with Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis




  On the top diagram, we have the long run AS/AD diagram. We assume that the economy is at the full employment equilibrium, YFE, giving a price level of P1 (point A). Both Keynesians and Monetarists agree that at the full employment level of income, any increase in aggregate demand will lead only to a rise in the price level in the long run. The economy will move to point B temporarily, but the subsequent rise in real wage claims that follow a rise in the price level will shift the short run aggregate supply curve to the left (from SRAS1 to SRAS2) and the economy will end up at point C, back at YFE but with a much higher price level (P2).


  Now look at the second diagram. Assume that the economy is operating at point A, with a level of unemployment equal to the NAIRU, U*, and 0% inflation. If aggregate demand is increased, unemployment is assumed to fall only in the short run (a move to point B). Depending on how quickly workers recover from money illusion, the economy will end up at point C with a permanently higher rate of inflation.


  These two diagrams are describing the same economy. The rising price level in the diagram on the left is illustrated by the increased inflation rate in the diagram on the right. The temporary rise in the level of real output in the diagram on the left is illustrated by the temporary fall in unemployment in the diagram on the right. The long run equilibrium level of national income (YFE) in the diagram on the left is illustrated by the natural rate of unemployment in the diagram on the right. Even at full employment there will be some unemployment in the economy.


  Do Keynesians and Monetarists agree?


  As the analysis above demonstrates, the Keynesians and Monetarists are in broad agreement with regard to the link between the full employment level of national income and the natural rate of unemployment in the long run. They also agree that the original shaped Phillips curve applies in the short run only. The only real arguments are over how quickly the workers expectations adapt to the change in the actual inflation rate (i.e. the length of the short run).


  Keynesians believe the short run might actually be quite a long period of time. They are big believers in the stickiness of wages and prices. Even though the workers' expectations may have already changed, wage contracts tend not to be changed overnight.


  Monetarists believe that changes in expectations, and the resulting changes in wages and prices, happen much quicker. There is a division, though, between different monetarist economists.


  Those who believe in rational expectations believe that everyone, including the workers, has perfect information. The workers actions are, therefore, 'rational'. Their expectations adapt to the change in prices following the increase in money wages almost immediately. In the diagram above, the economy moves straight from point A to point C. The short run does not exist and workers do not suffer from money illusion.

  那些相信理性预期的人认为,每个人,包括工人,都有完美的信息。因此,工人的行动是 "理性的"。他们的预期几乎立即适应了货币工资增加后的价格变化。在上图中,经济从A点直接移动到C点,短期不存在,工人也不会受到货币幻觉的影响。

  Other monetarists believe in adaptive expectations. As the name suggests, they believe that workers' expectations do adapt, but not immediately. The short run does exist, but does not last as long as the Keynesians believe.



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