
Alevel经济知识点讲解 失业与总供需联系的联系(下)

来源:考而思惟世 alevel经济学 浏览量:814次 时间:2022-11-21 11:03:57


Alevel经济知识点讲解 失业与总供需联系的联系(下)

  Can the 'natural rate' of unemployment change?

  失业率的 "自然率 "可以改变吗?

  As you can see from the data on unemployment in the 50s and 60s, the natural rate was barely 3% at the time. The huge increase in structural unemployment in the 80s caused the natural rate to rise in the 80s. Estimates varied between 8% and 12%. Remember, the actual unemployment rate can easily be higher than the natural rate. In times of recession, there will be a lot of demand-deficient unemployment (or cyclical unemployment) causing many workers to be involuntarily unemployed. So even though the unemployment rate was well over 10% in the mid 80s, some economists felt that the natural rate was only 8%.


  The best way to reduce the natural rates is through supply side policies, especially those aimed at the labour market. Examples include investment in education and training and the 'New Deal'.

  降低自然率的最好方法是通过供应方政策,特别是针对劳动力市场的政策。这方面的例子包括对教育和培训的投资以及 "新政"。

  As the UK economy came out of the recession of the early 90s, economists found it hard to estimate what, exactly, was the natural rate of unemployment. They kept revising their estimate downwards as the economy kept creating jobs, but the actual unemployment rate kept falling below their estimates of the natural rate with no increase in the rate of inflation (the inflation rate is meant to rise if unemployment falls below the natural rate). Basically, most economists have been surprised at how far the level of unemployment (and, therefore, the natural rate) has fallen.


  Although economists still agree that the original Phillips curve trade off is still only a short term phenomena, most would agree that this short term trade off occurs at much lower levels of inflation and unemployment. In other words, the short run Phillips curve has shifted towards the origin along with the vertical long run Phillips curve.


  Patrick Minford, the extreme monetarist economist, has argued all along that the natural rate is as low as 3%-4% due to the success of the supply side reforms of the 80s and 90s. The ILO measure of unemployment is currently around 5.5%, so perhaps the level of unemployment can fall a bit further.

  极端的货币主义经济学家帕特里克-明福德(Patrick Minford)一直认为,由于80年代和90年代的供给侧改革的成功,自然利率低至3%-4%。目前国际劳工组织衡量失业率的标准是5.5%左右,所以也许失业率水平还能再下降一些。


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