

来源:考而思惟世 IB历史ee 浏览量:151次 时间:2025-02-12 11:48:22

EE(Extended Essay)是IB课程的三大核心课程之一,需要学生们选择一门科目的话题进行研究,很多学生会选择历史作为自己的IB研究课题,要做EE,首先就是要确定选题,才能进行后面的研究,但是很多学生在选题的时候总是没有好的想法,今天考而思惟世为大家总结了IB历史EE选题方法及题目推荐,希望对大家有帮助。





4、主题应该允许批判性的分析和评论。开发一个开放式研究问题,允许发展一种分析的方法,而不是描述或叙述的方法,也就是研究问题应该从“to what extent”或“how significant”这样的词开始,而不是“what”或“how”这样的词。










1、主题:The origins of the Cold War in Europe 1945–48

研究问题:How far was the Christian Democrat victory in the Italian elections of 1948 influenced by Cold War tensions?

研究方法:Reading is undertaken to fully understand the context and the importance of this election as the first in post-war republican Italy. More detailed research may be carried out to determine the methods used by the Italian Communist Party and the Christian Democrats to rally their supporters and also any role played by the USSR and the US in influencing the outcome. Both primary and secondary sources would be accessible and should be used. An examination, and evaluation, of different interpretations would be carried out as well as consideration of domestic factors to be weighed against the influence of the Cold War, allowing a conclusion to be reached.

2、主题:The decline of the Ottoman Empire

研究问题:To what extent was poor leadership the reason for the defeat of the Ottoman armies at the gates of Vienna in 1683?

研究方法:Reading is undertaken to become familiar with the context of the topic, in particular to understand the nature of the Ottoman Empire and its weaknesses by the end of the 17th century in order to determine how these may have contributed to its defeat. Also to read sources on the decline in leadership after the death of Suleiman the Magnificent, over a century earlier. The growing unity among the Christian powers in Europe and its contribution to their victory in 1683 will also be examined. Both primary and secondary sources as well as a variety of historical interpretations will be accessed to understand the Habsburg Empires at this time and the reasons why the siege was brought to an end. The merits of various interpretations regarding the factors that led to the defeat of the Ottomans as well as the success of the Christian league can be examined and both primary and secondary sources will be used to allow a judgment to be made.

3、主题:The 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago

研究问题:“I have done my best. I have lost, Mr. Nixon has won.” (Hubert Humphrey) To what extent did Hubert Humphrey lose the 1968 presidential election because of the Chicago Convention?

研究方法:General reading is undertaken to aid familiarization with the events of 1968, a year marked by riots, protests and political assassinations. Both primary and secondary sources are used as well as different interpretations accessed to discover the reasons for the defeat of Humphrey, the Democratic presidential candidate. These are identified and assessed to allow a judgment to be made on the importance of the Convention as a factor that influenced the outcome of the election.

4、主题:The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post-apartheid South Africa

研究问题:How far did the Truth and Reconciliation Commission achieve its twin aims of establishing the truth and achieving reconciliation by 2002?

研究方法:Both primary and secondary resources that outline the Commission procedures and findings are used for background and note-taking. The criticisms of the Commission are also investigated to see how far they can be justified. The end point of 2002 (the year that the Commission came to an end) is included to provide a focus to the investigation and to narrow its scope sufficiently.


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