

来源:考而思惟世 alevel经济 浏览量:1132次 时间:2022-11-04 15:40:02



  Some definitions 一些定义

  Before we plough into the case for free trade, it is important that we define a few terms. 在我们深入讨论自由贸易的问题之前,重要的是我们要定义几个术语。

  Absolute advantage 绝对优势

  A country has anabsolute advantageover another country in the production of a certain good if, for a given amount of resources, it can produce more of the good than its competitor. Another way of looking at it is that the country with the absolute advantage can make the same amount of the good with fewer resources. Basically, it is when one country is better at making a given good than another country. See the next Learn-It for a numerical example.


  Comparative advantage 比较优势

  The theory ofcomparative advantagetakes absolute advantage a stage further. Even if a country is so bad at using a given set of resources that it is worse at making all goods than another country, it will still have a comparative advantage in the production of at least one good. This means that there will be at least one product where it isrelativelybetter at producing, even though inabsoluteterms it is the worst at making everything.


  The terms of trade 贸易条件

  Put simply, theterms of tradeare the 'terms' (or price) agreed when two countries trade. You will see that it is important to understand this concept when we look at numerical example of trade between countries below.

  简单地说,贸易条件是两个国家进行贸易时商定的 "条款"(或价格)。当我们看下面国家间贸易的数字例子时,你会发现理解这个概念很重要。

  Examiners often set multiple-choice questions on the terms of trade. You are expected to work out what will happen to the terms of trade if, say, the value of the pound rises. The 'terms of trade' for a country as a whole is the ratio of export prices to import prices.

  考官通常会设置关于贸易条件的多项选择题。你应该计算出如果英镑升值,贸易条件会发生什么变化。一个国家整体的 "贸易条件 "是出口价格与进口价格的比率。

  The index of export prices and the index of import prices are calculated in the same way as theRetail Price Index (RPI). A weighted average is calculated using the prices of thousands of exports and imports. Remember that an index does not have any units. The series of numbers are simply used to make comparisons of the average price level (for exports and imports in this case) over different time periods (monthly or yearly).


  In the example above of a rising pound (ceteris paribus) the prices of exports will rise, and the prices of imports will fall. The terms of trade, therefore, will rise (the top part of the fraction is rising and the bottom part is falling, so, overall, the fraction rises).



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