
雅思口语答案范例 个人陈述之“我认为杰出的人”

来源:考而思惟世 雅思口语 浏览量:890次 时间:2022-10-31 15:44:32


雅思口语答案范例 个人陈述之“我认为杰出的人”

  Describe a person you know who does something well. You should saywho this person ishow you know this personwhat they do welland explain why you think this person is so good at doing this.


  I’m going to describe a friend of mine called James. James isan actor by profession. He’s in his thirties I think. He’s tall, around 1.8 meters, with dark hair and a friendly face; he’s always smiling andhe cheers me upwhenever I see him.

  I met James in... at university. He was mynext-door neighbour in my hall of residencein the first year of university. So on that first day when we were moving in to our rooms, James introduced himself to me andwe struck up a conversation, and got to know each other then, and we became good friends.

  James, as I said, is an actor,and I think he’s really good at that. He studied drama at university, where I met him, and since then he’s been working in theatre,he’s done some small independent films, and he’strying to get his break in television or in more popular, mainstream films. And I think he’ll do it, because for me he seems... when I’ve been to see him in theatre productions or I’ve seen the short films that he’s been in, he seems to be a really good actor to me.

  Why I think he’s good: well, I thinkit comes from his work ethic. He’s a really hard worker, he’s reallypersistent. He always said he wanted to be a successful actor; it’s not an easy profession to become successful in, buthe has persisted, he’s really intense, he studies each rolevery carefully,he gets into character. I remember, for example, not being able to talk to him for about a week before one of his acting jobs becausehe was ‘in character’ - he didn’t want to lose focus. So he’s really intense, and that’s what Ithink about him.


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