
雅思口语答案范例 双向讨论高分答案看这里→

来源:考而思惟世 雅思口语 浏览量:1157次 时间:2022-10-31 15:49:03


雅思口语答案范例 双向讨论高分答案看这里→

  Do you think people who are famous are more admired than others?


  On an average, I think you're likely to find that you consider at least most of them good, generous, hospitable, caring people. You might be tempted to think those people really are just ‘better’ people, because maybe being a ‘better’ person makes you more likely to be rich and successful. You would be wrong. The truth is that being successful makes people see you as a better person. Why? Because our brains are hard-wired to indiscriminately make the assumption that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people.

  Which celebrities, according to you, should be admired more? Politicians, authors, sports person or movie star?


  In my perspective, if any celebrity is genuinely concerned about the well being of his fellow humans and goes out of the way to contribute towards their welfare, then he or she deserves to be admired irrespective of the field he or she is in.

  Do you think that scientists or army men should be admired more?


  Both scientists and the army men deserve to be admired and recognised for their selfless service to their countries. Only men and women of high calibre can be in theses positions and hence we need to be indebted to their services.

  Do you think people also see the weaknesses of the people they follow or they just avoid them?


  As human beings each and every one of us has got our own strengths and weaknesses. The same is true in the case of celebrities too. If a person has attained celebrity status through his good nature, then his or her fans try to overlook his or her weaknesses too and don’t make a big deal out of it.


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