TOK全称为Theory of knowledge ,是一门侧重于培养批判性思维和探索知识过程的学科。是一种思维训练,它鼓励学生对生活中的事物进行思考。今天考而思惟世为大家带来2022年IB-TOK新测试和评估方式说明。
先说说变化,新版本的TOK包含了一个核心主题,叫做“knowledge andthe knower”。这个主题鼓励同学们把自己作为知者和思想家,把自己归属到不同的知识群体当中。
同时新版本TOK也给同学们机会去聚焦自己的话题在一些“knowledgeand politics”等话题上。其探索的过程能够帮助大家重塑自己和周围人对于某一些时间的观看,看法和视角。 在课程上,官方给出了5个可选主题(5选2),同学们需要涉及的知识理论涉及5个领域。
这玩意怎么考,要干嘛,可能是大家最关心的。 这个课程需要大家做两件事情。
1. Theory of knowledge essay on a prescribed title
这是一篇1600字的命题作文,题目由IB官方提前定好6个,6选一进行。 这也是TOK评估中的外部评估,占成绩的2/3。 下面是常见的一些题目。
How important are the opinions of experts in the search for knowledge? Answer with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge.
Is the division of the natural sciences and mathematics into separate areas of knowledge artificial?
When historians and natural scientists say that they have explained something, are they using the word“explain” in the same way?
Are there fewer ethical constraints on the pursuit of knowledge in the arts than in the human sciences?
How do our expectations impactour interpretations? Discuss with reference to history and one other area of knowledge.
To what extent do you agree with the claim that “knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”(Anton Chekhov)? Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.
2. Theory of knowledge exhibition
打个不恰当的比方,我认为人类对于知识的渴求和技术的进步来自于人类懒惰。例如,洗衣机,洗碗机,微波炉,人类从家务劳动中解放出来,同时推动了技术的进步。 以下是常见的一些题目:
What counts as knowledge?
On what grounds might we doubt a claim?
Are some types of knowledgeless open to interpretation than others?
Is bias inevitable in the production of knowledge?
Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds?
What role do experts play in influencing our consumption or acquisition of knowledge?
How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief, and opinion
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